Make Australia Healthy Again


The Australian Government is now coercing Australians to inject poisonous untested vaccines (see our Press Release on the Home Page).  Western Australia has just passed draconian laws which can get children and adults arrested, stripped and force vaccinated !!  Far worse than anything George Orwell forsaw.  We must take a stand.

Our Story

In early July 2019, we served a Notice of Liability to the Australian Government for the atrocities they are supporting and allowing with their shocking vaccine coercion laws based on the scientific fraud of ‘Vaccine Safety’ and ‘Herd Immunity of Vaccines’.

We are mounting a campaign to stop this insanity and abuse of power.

Meet our Team

On this day the 27th of August in the Year of Our Lord 2020 we have Created the Make Australia Healthy Again Charitable Trust.

We now have our ABN 84413260825 (Australian Business Number)

Congratulations to the Trustees. Nick Doslov, and Solihin Millin (Founder) and Sarah McMullan

Please contact us if you’d like to help

Here are the Trustees. Solihin Millin is the Founder. Sol is a retired Australian IT consultant and grandfather. Nick Doslov is originally from Serbia. Nick is an Artist, Bookbinder and Videotographer. And Sarah is Sol’s gorgeous daughter.

About The Trustees

Sarah McMullan, Australian born from Palestinian and South African descent, Sarah is a Mum and lives with her husband and two beautiful little children in Perth. Sarah studied Geology and has worked professionally in the Mining Industry in Western Australia particularly is Safety. Sarah has a deep understanding of Nature and Natural Medicine and Spirit and intends to pursue her dreams in these areas of endeavor.  Because of mounting pressures on her time, dear Sarah has resigned as of the 30th May 2024.  We are thus looking for a new Trustee.

Nick Doslov, after serving as a MAHA Trustee for a number of years has just announced his resignation on the 26th March 2024 due to other commitments. We are now looking for a replacement Trustee. Born 26 November 1958 in Titel Serbia, migrated to Australia in 1970, went to Collingwood Technical College 1977, completed an Apprenticeship Indenture in 1980 at Melbourne College of Graphic Art and Printing as a hand Bookbinder and Finisher. Established my business “Renaissance Bookbinding” in 1981 and have been self employed until the present day, specialising in Fine Bookbinding, Restoration, Conservation, Letterpress Printing and Conducting Private Workshops. “I play electric Bass, Mandolin, Balalaika, and Acoustic Guitars, over the years I played in few bands which inspired me to make my own slides for concerts, and build special effects like Kaleidoscopes used in live streaming and a variety of Analogue and Digital projectors for Art Installations, Shows and Exhibitions. I established “Jupiter Projections in 2018”. I have been caring for my Father since 2005. My Father sadly Passed away on 11 August 2020, God Bless his Soul.”

Solihin Millin, born 25 March 1944, in Johannesburg, South Africa. At the age of 12 Sol realized that what meets the eye is not Reality and he embarked on his life-long quest to ‘find God’. At the age of 76, Sol has been blessed with many wonderful experiences of Spirit and his psychic vision is somewhat active. Recently, prior to the initial August 9 2020 Freedom Day Protest against Covid-19 Lockdown in Victoria, Australia, on Friday August 7 2020, Almighty God and Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared in a Great and Glorious Light in Sol’s little Windsor apartment and informed Sol ‘The meek shall Inherit the Earth’. This experience has changed Sol completely. After the initial Freedom Day protest and before the second Freedom Day protest, Almighty God once again appeared to Sol in his little Windsor apartment and announced ‘I have Decided to take over Governance of Australia and clear all corruption and clean Australia’. This Great Event happened on August 30 2020. Sol is Dux of one of the greatest schools in Africa, Hilton College and has a 1st class B.Sc. Degree in Physics and Applied Mathematics. Sol is also a parent and a grandfather. As a scientist, Sol also is working on uncovering the secrets of Water. See

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