Biological science has made unbelievable advances allowing vast control of living organisms including our human race via injected bio-products and bio-robots, to the extent of manufacturing any bio molecule they wish within your body, sensing, transmitting and controlling all aspects of your body physiology, even your emotions, removing and adding memories, giving you night and x-ray vision, inserting myriads of specific devices and more un-nerving, murdering selected humans who have specified traits, eg. religion, race, thoughts, hair colour etc. Very very scary indeed. Think twice before you allow injections of these new trans-human modifiers into your body and the bodies of your loved ones.
Category: News
The latest News
An Australian Mother is successfully challenging in the High Court of Australia the forced vaccination of her daughter.
Hats off to our brilliant colleague Australian Bush Tiger Steamroller Glenn Floyd who against all odds has achieved the incredible legal feat of getting his Case for his Client successfully lodged and filed in the High Court of Australia for adjudication.
God Bless you All. May you gain success in our fight to erase forced and coercive vaccination from the face of Australia.
The Kraken Awakes
There is no basis for Lockdowns in statistics or science
It’s all over red rover.
The whole Citadel of Covid Corruption is about to collapse into what it really is, bulldust, to be blown away, and Australia will once more be a Free Country.
Our Australian Law has been utterly corrupted by Foreign powers, the WHO and the UN.
They have infiltrated via legal stealth into 192 member countries of which Australia is one, overthrowing our Constitution, via the State Emergency Acts, and implementing a One World Government based on the WHO announcement of a false and unfounded pandemic. This is Treason.
On Tuesday the 9th March, ‘Question of Facts’ were tabled in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court case L12182685 which when answered will destroy all State Emergency Acts in Australia which have been forcing unlawful and illegal Lockdowns and destruction of Australia with no statistical or scientific basis whatsoever.
See: Questions of Fact
The truth is, there is no deadly contagious disease.
There is a 99.9% survival rate.
Australians are not dying like flies.
Only the elderly are somewhat affected.
Corona is basically Influenza renamed.
Did we lockdown Australia for flu?
Asymptomatic transmission does not exist.
The PCR test is wildly innacurate.
Goodbye Corona. Goodbye Scamdemic