Our amazing friend ‘Aussie Bush Tiger Steamroller’ Glenn Floyd has once again saved an innocent Australian from forced injection in South Australia.
Using Glenn’s extensive knowledge of legal procedures and Constitutional Law and his intelligence and tenacity, Glenn has recently saved another innocent Australian from the clutches of Big Pharma and the South Australian Mental Health board mandatory injection regime.
According to Glenn, 80,000 Australians die each year associated with poisoning by Big Pharma psychotropic drugs.
God Bless you in your amazing service to all Australians dear Glenn.
Recorded deaths following the experimental COVID “vaccines” continued to soar this week as the CDC added more data today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. While the information contained in VAERS is publicly available information, the corporate media continues to censor it, and anyone who dares to publish publicly available information from the U.S. Government is labeled as “fake news” by the “fact checkers.” The data released by the CDC today goes through March 11, 2021, with 38,444 recorded adverse events, including 1,739 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID “vaccines.” Besides the recorded 1,739 deaths, there were 6,716 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 734 permanent disabilities, and 3,976 hospitalizations.
Harvard University in a professional study found less than 1% of vaccine death and injury is recorded in VAERS, so the figures could be as high as 3.8 million adverse events and 174,000 deaths so far. See http://tiny.cc/if4gbz
Why even think of being injected with these lethal poisons supposedly against ‘Colds and Flu’ ?
I, Solihin Millin, was arrested by the Victorian Police in Melbourne Victoria Australia on the 28th August 2020 and charged as an alleged criminal with alleged incitement against the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Covid ‘Emergency’ Directives. Through the Grace of Almighty God and Our Lord Jesus Christ, I have been able to remove all ‘Questions of Law’ from the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court to the High Court of Australia, via a successful Section 40 application under the Federal Judiciary Act 1903. This case is C2/2021 and is publically available. All Attorneys General of Australia both Federal and State have been served notice as is required under Section 78B of the same Act (see below).
Biological science has made unbelievable advances allowing vast control of living organisms including our human race via injected bio-products and bio-robots, to the extent of manufacturing any bio molecule they wish within your body, sensing, transmitting and controlling all aspects of your body physiology, even your emotions, removing and adding memories, giving you night and x-ray vision, inserting myriads of specific devices and more un-nerving, murdering selected humans who have specified traits, eg. religion, race, thoughts, hair colour etc. Very very scary indeed. Think twice before you allow injections of these new trans-human modifiers into your body and the bodies of your loved ones.