Make Australia Healthy Again

Health & Wellbeing News Our Cases

Australian Mother fights compulsory vaccination of her daughter

An Australian Mother is successfully challenging in the High Court of Australia the forced vaccination of her daughter.

Hats off to our brilliant colleague Australian Bush Tiger Steamroller Glenn Floyd who against all odds has achieved the incredible legal feat of getting his Case for his Client successfully lodged and filed in the High Court of Australia for adjudication.

God Bless you All. May you gain success in our fight to erase forced and coercive vaccination from the face of Australia.

Health & Wellbeing

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day

You know what they say. We are what we eat. We are what we say. We are what we do. We are what we think. We are what we feel. And we should do a fair bit of exercise each day to keep out body in good shape.

Make sure you walk in the sunshine and ensure you have sufficient vitamin C and D and of course the others, which generally come through good wholesome foods. Make sure you drink lots of water. And keep you pH alkaline. Put your feet on Mother Earth. Do Yoga Asana’s. Meditate. Be grateful. Worship our Creator Almighty God

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Joining the MAHA class action?

Becoming a MAHA Vendor?