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Our Way through Complexity

Yes, it’s a ‘crazy’ Universe with so many things happening in so many spectrums.
Our blessing as Humans is in particular our ‘Spiritual Heart’ which is the centre of our Intelligence.
The ‘Spark of God’ so to speak that each one of us is privileged to be in Essence.
This Sweetness I know is our purest Guide through the Maze of Complexity.
As Yoda puts it ‘Feel the Force Luke Skywalker’
Each of us is such a great mixture of essences.  Apparently an attribute of the Kali Yuga, the Great Age of Confusion since the time of Jesus, when the Intellect is given to our Human Race with it’s wonderful and dire consequences as we know.
This Age is coming to an end and the Golden Age, the Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth and Love is being born.
The Meek shall Inherit the Earth.  Meek being those Warriors surrendered to the Glory within our ‘Spiritual Heart’
Thus our Heart (not our Mind) should be our guide.  
All of us are bombarded with complexity, however, I believe we can clearly see those who are true through their actions.
I believe our guide should be human values, for example, Truth, Unconditional Love, Virtue (Help Ever, Hurt Never), Peace and Non-violence.
The Bhagavad Gita simplifies our human task immensely, in the statements ‘Act through Love’.  ‘All else is outside your control’.  
This Great Wisdom relieves immense suffering, delusion and attachment and leads to great Peace and Joy.
Sol 🙂 ?

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